Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Secret of the Proverbs 31 Woman

The Proverbs 31 Woman is like an enigma, she seems to have it all. She is industrious, she is smart, she is a planner, she takes care of herself and her family, she brings honour to her husband and he in turn does not only love her, he and their children praise her. Wow! I’m sure all women want to know how she does it.

The secret of this lady is found towards the end of the chapter. It is in Proverbs 31:30, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

Now that is profound. A woman who fears the Lord, a woman who obeys the Lord and is careful to honour Him. A woman who builds her identity on God, not her beauty or smartness or the society’s dictates. A woman who puts God first, not her feelings. A woman who fears the Lord is a woman who wants to be directed by the Lord. A woman who seeks first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Because she puts God first and is careful to obey His instructions, He in turn guides her and gives her wisdom to manage her life and family.

In today’s confusing world, many of us women are told all sorts of things. We are told to be like men, we are told that our worth comes from what we have or our looks or career, etc. but a wise woman knows her worth comes from God. For God considered her so special and worthy of His love that He sent His one and only beloved Son to die in her place. That’s how special she is to God! And she lives her life, not trying to gain relevance according to society’s standards, but she lives knowing that she already has great significance to God. This love that God has shown her makes her so grateful that she is happy to obey His instruction because she knows they are for her good. God the perfect Father with a Mother’s heart, gave her these instructions for her benefit.

She also delights in fellowshipping with God in prayers. Because it’s there she pours out all her
worries to her loving Father. She gains strength from Him to be all He wants her to be. She takes her anxieties, fears, worries, concerns to Him knowing He truly cares about her. She doesn’t have a special way of doing it, she prays as often as she can, while at the sink, early in the morning, while making the family dinner, at work, etc. She knows God is real and always with her just like the air she breathes.

She also delights in knowing God for herself. She studies God's Word so she can increase in knowledge and so her faith in Him is unshakeable. She studies about the character of God so she has a confidence in Him, no matter what life throws at her. She delights in knowing God so that she lives for His glory alone, and not commit sin.

Because of these, it is no wonder that the Proverbs 31 Woman is so wise; she is sustained and led by God. And because she has set God as number one, He in turn honours her and gives her wisdom to manage her affairs and relationships. No longer does she see her career, business or strengths as an opportunity to be somebody or control others, but they become opportunities to glorify God and use her gifts. She therefore doesn’t place it above her relationships with family, friends and her community, but uses it as a means to bless them.

Ultimately the secret of this woman is Relationships: with God (as the Alpha and Omega, first and last in her life),with herself (a truthful picture of how God sees her) and with others (treating them the way she would want to be treated). This is different from religion or obeying rules out of fear. It is a relationship that is real, tangible and based on knowledge of who God is and what He has done for her. This in turn spurs her to love and appreciate God and others, it come from inside out.

I pray for all of us, men and women, that we will learn what is truly important in life: relationships with our God, with ourselves and with all the people we live with and come in contact with. That we will be the light of God’s love, shining brightly for His Glory and for the good of all people. Amen

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  1. Amen! Another awesome piece Sis! This really challenged me and I have never seen anyone break the Prov 31 woman the way you have done in this piece. Your write ups just keep getting better and better. That spirit of Wisdom in you is surely doing wonders! Thanks once again.


  2. Hello Fola, thanks for your kind words. All glory to God alone for empowering me. He alone is worthy! Thanks for stopping by, its always a delight to hear from you.

    How are you coping with baby? May our good Lord strengthen you and me, we need it! :-)
