One of the most amazing characters
in the Bible who encourages me when I am down is Rahab.
Yeah, the same ol' Rahab you
know, the Canaanite prostitute.In the book of Hebrews 11, there is a listing of the Who-is-Who with regards to Faith. There is Abel, Enoch, Noah, the Patriarch Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, …. And then somewhere tucked in verse 31 is Rahab!
What makes this list profound is
that most of the people listed in it are men and of the ‘chosen people’ of
Israel. Rahab was a foreigner, an idolater whose country was destroyed as a
result of their wickedness, a woman and worse still, a prostitute! She was the
poster girl for the opposite of faith. Yet, she is listed among mighty men who are
models of faith. What can we learn from her?